MegaZip Adventure Park

 A first for Singapore and an absolute necessity for all guests, MegaZip Adventure Park will issue you a genuine high, actually! Highlighting the most amazing zip wires in Asia, an aeronautical rope course and a free-fall test system, its an experience that you'll always remember. Contingent upon your wellness level, decide to go for the distinctive courses at your own particular pace.
More than 450 meters in length and at 72 meters above ocean level, the MegaZip flying fox gives you a chance to whizz over the wilderness overhang and the buzz of Siloso Beach.
For a more strenuous enterprise, ClimbMax is an elevated deterrent course set amongst the treetops. Get ready to explore flimsy extensions, adjust on influencing tightropes and scramble along load nets high in the sky.

For an exciting reenacted parachute landing, attempt ParaJump. Grown in the UK, the Powerfan Descender permits you to venture off a stage like a phantom and land delicately on the ground a full 15 meters underneath.
Get high on fun with MegaBounce! A trampoline with a distinction! Secured with elasticated ropes, appended to which adrenaline addicts can jump to statures of 20 feet and drop securely and delicately over and over.
Opened in July 2009, the S$2 million fascination offers a blend of experience and excites on this flying fox and high rope course. From the highest point of Sentosa's tendency rich Mount Imbiah, guests will be capable have 'the flight of their lives' as they zip 450 meters over Sentosa's lavish backwoods covering and arrive on an islet off Siloso Beach, at a stature of more than 70 meters - the steepest plummet in Asia.
This fascination additionally engages families, as it has a "pair" office that permits more youthful individuals from the family to hitch a ride with mum or father. It additionally includes a three-level airborne obstruction course suspended from 12-meter high timber shafts where members will arrange an entry, intersection swinging scaffolds, and scrambling over Tarzan nets.


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